Friday 26 August 2011

Searching For .........

Use a search engine other than google? Are you quite mad?  
But seriously folks (adjusts tie, runs hand through hair) surely google is the one to use? I used to use Webcrawler, Web Spider and...well, others that are lost in the mists of time. Maybe it was the hint towards the ever unpopular arachnid family that put people off them rather than their search abilities?
 I can’t remember when google became so ubiquitous but now they’re in a position where they will sue to stop people using ‘google’ to mean ‘websearch’ as that would erode their copyright. Since they added images, translate, maps and all that other terrifying stuff – which it feels like you are getting for free – they have become even more of a one stop shop despite the creeping erosion of ‘Don’t Be Evil’.
I get prompted to use Bing but it feels wrong somehow. And usually kicks up the wrong result. Well, it did when I started to use it and may have changed but there’s something I just don’t like about it. Like a valet who is as good as all the others but for some reason you can’t put your finger on you take against him, eventually having him sacked, deprived of his room and driven from the estate to perish in the gutter.
Bing it? Never sound as good as Google it.
Ask Jeeves I won’t use on a point of Wodehousian principle.
As I share my name with an ex-Chelsea association football player, I am safely buried from the casual internet stalker. At least one of my aliases comes up though.


I have just seen the first stage of our new Institutional Repository and like it. It should become an Inspirational Repository, that would be a sign of success for me.

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