Tuesday 30 August 2011

And That's The End Of That Chapter

So that was 23 Things. Of course that’s not really the end, it carries on as these Things are all still there to be used and they themselves will change, some will disappear, some will be replaced and others remain.
I started all this back in June, so let’s have a highlights round-up.
Blogging – pretty enjoyable. Maybe I’ll start one for all my Important Works?
Google Docs I’m a fan of and we use it in Exec. Bit slow at times but that may be server load or other technical witchcraft.
Adding pictures is something I will do if I start my own blog, but I think I’ll usually stick to pictures that I own or I know are out of copyright. Don’t want my door being kicked in by the Copyright Cops.
Facebook is a part of my life now but Twitter...I remain unconvinced. I can see the value for some things but constant updates are necessary so you really need lots to say. In a limited number of characters.
LinkedIn is useful and good for a higher class of snooping.
Prezzi makes me dizzy if it’s used too much but I may update the staff induction I give to new SHS academics and include it. Liven things up a bit.
Doodle could be useful but my personal life is too chaotic and my work life just about clings on to a schedule so more tools would just confuse.
Survey Monkey is great and a keeper.
The Milk Man Cometh (or whatever it’s called) is a nice little app but it’s rather like Doodle for me.
Still hunting for iPad Apps but I always will be really. Evernote is downloaded and I’m experimenting with that.
SlideShare I like but see no immediate use for. Be interesting to see if it is used at any conferences.
Wikis are very useful but you have to be careful with many of them as they need a good level of control. The wisdom of crowds is a nice idea but up there with unicorns being seen in Sheffield .
Del.icio.us is not for me yet. We’ll see if that changes on the course.
YouTube. Again, like FB. A part of life now, well internet life at least.
Podcasting is interesting but there is a lot of dross out there.
And it’s Google all the way for me at the moment. Doubtless that will change, but it is the tool of choice for now.

So that is pretty much it. Highs and lows and a very interesting programme that has made me get exposure to Things I generally knew were out there but had not used. I’d like this programme to continue and maybe be made part of new staff induction. Certainly it should be part of staff development.
My nomination for favourite blog, other than those of our learning guides(?) during this process obviously, would be 23cacharricos. I like the cut of the job of the blog, the writing style and it makes me remember how much I like Mexican food. Not sure if that’s the point but that’s my choice.

Now scram you kids, I've got some work to do and I need to make sure I keep an eye out for where I can use some of these twenty three things to improve what I produce.  

1 comment:

  1. Well done on completing! Nice round up post.
    We certainly plan for 23 Things to continue, so keep an eye on the blog for further updates.

    Rowena 23 Things team
